The work "In the Light of Truth" gives answers to unresolved questions.
Should this imply for the reader a change in the way he forms his opinions?
The title "In the Light of Truth" already awakens the expectation of receiving answers whose explanations will through enlightenment enrich the present day way of thinking.
In this case, as in many other instances, the reader must however recognise the answers given as such and make room for them. The author of the work "In the Light of Truth" arranged the title according to his statements in an open and comprehensible form. With great care he takes on the existing central questions of life as well as the related effects and unravels them.
In his own inimitable way the author uses his knowledge to bring order to the chosen thematic fields, thereby allowing a better overview of them. Only in illuminating all details, are the causes and/or originators recognisable, whereby in the conclusions the most dominant questions of life also become transparent.
All the topics taken up "In the Light of Truth" are handled with an objectivity born out of experience. Only in this form and manner can the truth contained therein unfold in its entirety and thus also be understood by the reader.
Many of the perspectives that the author has chosen to use differ from previous views. If the reader follows this point of view, the processes explained to him from this perspective will become comprehensible to him and also bring him enlightenment as to the way and manner in which cause and effect interact.
The work "In the Light of Truth" is a disclosure of the origin of all existence as well as also of all the developments that came about thereof. The reader needs great determination and dedication for the grasping of this disclosure, in order to objectively follow the explanations in his own thoughts. Here it should be noted that the sequence of the lectures as given should be adhered to because through this given sequence of the lectures the author makes the best access possible for the reader to reach the ultimate conclusions.
Life reveals itself as a large, complex entity. In order to explain this in words and thereby lead the reader to an understanding, the author has chosen a multitude of themes, which he illuminates in the work "In the Light of Truth".
Many human beings on this planet "earth" strive primarily to achieve a life free of worries and full of many earthly pleasures, and to regard all beyond this as unnecessary. Such human beings usually hold birth as the beginning of life and death of the body as the end.
Others however feel over and beyond this a budding longing within, which cannot be gratified by earthly things and is the expression of a predisposition in the human being, which leads him to ask about the meaning of life. This can also lead him to a premonition of having been born again, also known as reincarnation, which gives him hope in a life after earthly death.
In the work "In the Light of Truth" this theme is also illuminated. The explanations on this do not restrict themselves to a single human life, rather a worldview is depicted, in which a life on earth represents an important time span of experience and therefore of maturing, but in respect to the whole of human existence, is only to be regarded as a short stay. However such a stay – that is a life on earth – is to be accorded the greatest dedication, for the result of a life on earth also determines the direction of the path of life after earthly death. The earthly death only concerns man's earthly body, not however his personal human existence. Here on earth the human body is animated by the human personality and is used by it. The incarnation in the developing body in the womb is the beginning of this. The death of the body enables the human personality to free itself from the body it has up till then used.
The author explains this and many other processes in human existence in a comprehensive and illuminating fashion. His descriptions provide an answer to all receptive human beings to questions that until now remained unanswered.
With the work "In the Light of Truth" a comprehensible view of the wonderful work of creation to which our earth also belongs, opens itself to the reader.
Man forms his earth life through learning and in accumulating experiences. Everything which impresses him, which he wishes, which he forms in thoughts or which he allows to become an accomplished deed, bears influence on man and thereby contributes to the formation of his personality.
Readers of the work "In the Light of Truth" who follow the explanations in an open manner, integrate recognitions they found therein into their thoughts, conversations and also into their decisions. Regarded from this viewpoint, the statements of the work "In the Light of Truth" change the shaping of the opinion of a reader.
The work "In the Light of Truth" unsparingly uncovers the wrong developments in us humans; it shows us however the ways in which such wrong developments can be overcome and effaced.
The central thrust of the work "In the Light of Truth" is in up building, ennobling and acting as a signpost towards a true highly developed humanity. A change in opinions which up till then had hitherto existed, which comes about through reading the work "In the Light of Truth", can only be good for the individual reader as well as for the whole of mankind.
The work "In the Light of Truth" describes in detail what great meaning for a conscious awareness and formation of the path through life the inner freedom of a human being has. Only the human being who is inwardly free is master over himself. In order to achieve this, the individual must encounter all of life's questions and incidents which touch him in an open and dynamic manner. An inwardly free human being is a personality in himself. He does not use his fellowmen as a shield, behind which he satisfies his wishes. An inwardly free person makes his own decisions always by himself. He takes the opinions and points of view which are offered to him, but uses only that which he finds good and right after examining them himself.
The work "In the Light of Truth" must be personally grasped and examined by the individual human being. If this takes place, it is of profit to the examiner, for it helps him to become inwardly free. The work "In the Light of Truth" wants to be grasped, to be grappled with. It is only through this form of engagement with the contents that the all embracing explanations reveal themselves to the reader.
The explanations stretch beyond the confines of belief, which have formed themselves from different religious traditions. Objectively and at the same time lovingly, the origins of the traditions are laid bare in "In the Light of Truth", and thus the truth contained therein is put in the right perspective. This also contributes to the inner freedom of the individual and leads furthermore to the possibility of recognition and learning to grasp creation and its Creator.
In relation to an opinion hitherto upheld every change which is brought about by the reading of the work "In the Light of Truth" serves in ennobling the individual towards that which is good and is therefore to be welcomed.
Siegfried Bernhardt